A successful innovation stems not just from advancement in technology but also from user empathy.”
An innovation which does not satisfy the needs of the end user is of no use practically. It is for this reason that any innovation must be human-centric and consider the socio-cultural aspects, especially in changing ways of working through technology. Also the innovation must be financially feasible and technologically achievable.
This brings us the most important criteria to be kept in mind while innovating- desirability, feasibility and viability. With every action performed by us having a ripple effect ahead in the future and massive ecological challenges, another additional criteria now is integrity.
EUROAVIA Toulouse thanks Oliver Zeplin for finding some precious time from his busy schedule and giving us this amazing presentation on user centricity and digital innovation. The conference did provide us a different insight on the work going on in the Aviation Sector. We would also like to thank all the enthusiastic participants for attending the conference and asking enriching questions.
Kudos to the local board members Luigi Avallone, Alberto San Román Cutanda, Marco Alberto Bovolin, Arnab Banerjee, Rita Chewe, Giorgia Vignando, Esther Madoyan, Louis Offor and Dragoș Borcea
Edit: after event
- FR -
EUROAVIA Toulouse est ravi d'annoncer sa première conférence en ligne intitulée «Disruptive digital transformation of the aviation industry - Turning the COVID-19 into opportunitie».
Le conférencier principal sera Oliver Zeplin, Concepteur Stratégique Entrepreneur et Architecte de Valeur / Croissance Numérique et Innovation chez Airbus. Il travaille chez Airbus depuis plus d'une décennie et est chargé de diriger l'innovation numérique.
Il est indéniable que le COVID-19 a eu un impact dévastateur sur l'industrie aéronautique, mais découvrez grâce à cette conférence, comment la numérisation peut en faire une opportunité! Il y aura une session de questions et réponses après la fin de la présentation, alors soyez prêts et préparez vos questions! 📆 jeudi 22 octobre 2020
🕕 18h00 (CEST)
